Wednesday 26 February 2025 – Side events


Oz Group Co-op | Time TBA

King Tide Brewing | Time TBA

Click here for details on side events and experiences.


Collaboration: how to be better connected | 9am – 11am

Tackling Food Waste Together: Solutions for a Sustainable Future | 11:30am – 1:30pm

Click here for details on Workshops.

6:30 pm

Welcome Function

Join us on the lawn at Pacific Bay Resort for a casual evening of festivities, showcasing local produce and beverages.

Thursday 27 February 2025 – Summit Day 1

8:30 am

Registration / Coffee / Tea

9:00 am


Introduction | Kim Berry (MC), Food & Drink Business

Welcome to Country | Richard Widders, Aboriginal Elder of the Garlambirla guuyu Girrwaa

Welcome from the Chair | Fiona Simson, FFS

Welcome from the Mayor | Mayor Nikki Williams, City of Coffs Harbour

9:30 am

Collaboration: It takes a village… or a city

The Power of Connection | Dr Lou Conway, UNE SMART Region Incubator

Collectively, we can make a change (a conversation) | Simon Latchford, City of Coffs Harbour & Nicole McNaughton, Food and Agribusiness Network

10:30 am

Morning tea / Networking

11:00 am

Partnerships: Forging connections

Representatives from clusters, co-operatives, and governing bodies come together to explore the benefits and opportunities of a systems-based approach in addressing challenges and driving innovation in the agrifood sector.

Dr James Krahe (Chair), FFS

Shaun Tholen, Nambucca Macnuts

Kris Cooling, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

Louise Tran, OzHarvest Ventures

12:00 pm

Automation: Benefits and upskilling (keynotes)

Robotic technology for banana de-handing | Dr Chris Lehnert, Queensland University of Technology

Spatially enabling horticulture | Craig Shephard, Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre

12:40 pm

Lunch / Networking

1:40 pm

AgriTech: Simplifying tasks (panel)

Dr Chris Lehnert, Queensland University of Technology

Daniel Grono, Costa

Wayne Ford, Vertical Patch

Craig Shephard, Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre

2:20 pm

Value-adding: Unlocking nutrition in food (keynotes)

Produce Prescription: improving health outcomes | Kimberly Glover, The George Institute for Global Health

Pioneering new nutritional benchmarks | Dr Ruey-Leng Loo, Australian National Phenome Centre

Optimising blueberry fruit nutritionally | Gareema Pandey, Western Sydney University

Closing the loop on alternate nutrients | Tim Cassettari, FOODiQ Global

3:30 pm

Afternoon tea / Networking

4:00 pm

Manufacturing: Boosting agribusiness (panel)

Exploring the economic gains, community impact, and highlighting how local manufacturing can drive regional development and innovation.

Peter Schutz (Chair), FFS

Dr Chris Downs, Food and Beverage Accelerator (FaBA)

John King, King Tide Brewing

Russel Rankin, Food Innovation Partners

5:00 pm

Drinks / Networking

7:00 pm

Gala Dinner

Enjoy culinary delights at our Gala Dinner with the menu curated by popular chef and restaurateur, Mindy Woods

Friday 28 February 2025 – Summit Day 2

9:00 am

Coffee / Tea

9:30 am

Future food: Possibilities and reality (keynotes)

Bicultural cuisine: 60,000 years of flavour | Mindy Woods, Chef, Restaurateur and Author

Food 2050: An integrated food system | Leif Lundin, CSIRO

What will we be eating in 100 years / Mushrooms in Space | Dr Flávia Fayet-Moore, FOODiQ Global

10:30 am

Morning tea

11:00 am

Future menu: It’s happening now (panel)

From insect proteins to animal-free fats, panellists will share their personal experiences in creating innovative product formulations along with the opportunities and challenges in catering to a diverse range of consumers.

Prof. Cordelia Selomulya (Chair), University of New South Wales Sydney

Kathy La Macchia, Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council (GLNC)

Dr Rishi Naik, University of New South Wales Sydney

12:00 pm

Collaboration for sustainable food solutions and improved health outcomes (keynote)

This keynote will outline a newly established unique national initiative, focused on developing sustainable food solutions for improved health outcomes.

Prof. Roman Buckow, Centre for Food Science at La Trobe University

12:40 pm

Lunch / Networking

1:40 pm

Current challenges in innovation ecosystems

Realising opportunities for growth in regional agrifood ecosystems: Collaborative approaches to value chain development.

Realising opportunities for growth in regional agrifood ecosystems: Collaborative approaches to value chain development | Dr Jack Adams, Queensland University of Technology

2:00 pm

Are innovation ecosystems broken

Dr James Krahe (Chair), FFS

Tanya Wilkins, TCI Oceania

Dr Mirjana Prica, TCI Oceania

3:00 pm

Afternoon tea / Networking

3:30 pm

Change: It takes a nation! (stories)

Dave Gray, Uncle Stan’s

4:30 pm


5:00 pm

Post-event drinks at King Tide Brewing

Program subject to change

Program and speakers are subject to change.

FFS = Future Food Systems

CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

DPIRD = Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (WA)

QUT = Queensland University of Technology

UNSW = University of New South Wales

WSU = Western Sydney University

Program and speakers are subject to change.

FFS = Future Food Systems

CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

DPIRD = Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (WA)

QUT = Queensland University of Technology

UNSW = University of New South Wales

WSU = Western Sydney University