
When: 27 – 28 February 2025

Full program TBA. Stay tuned.


Registration / Coffee / Tea


Collaboration and Partnerships (panel)

Three tiers of partnership: Government, industry and academia – and how collaboration can help deliver smart solutions with real-world impact.


Prof. Doug Baker, FFS Program Lead / QUT (Chair) 

Dr Julia Anwar-McHenry, Mt Lindesay

Dr Ozgur Dedehayir, QUT

Nicole McNaughton, Food and Agribusiness Network 

Dr Natasha Teakle, AgriStart

Program and speakers are subject to change.

FFS = Future Food Systems

CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

DPIRD = Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (WA)

QUT = Queensland University of Technology

UNSW = University of New South Wales

WSU = Western Sydney University

Program and speakers are subject to change.

FFS = Future Food Systems

CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

DPIRD = Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (WA)

QUT = Queensland University of Technology

UNSW = University of New South Wales

WSU = Western Sydney University